“Vision without action ...Is just a dream.
Action without vision... just passes the time.
But, Vision and Action can change the world.”
The DAV Institutions are known for the imparting quality education and moral values.
No education is worth if it does not prepare children for life. It also fails the test if children do not develop sensitivity towards social needs and responsibilities. We are passing through a tremendous change process and our younger generation must be accordingly trained so that they can address these changes meaningfully and timely.
The ISA programme is truly something that builds strong bonds and creates relationship. This program has given students the opportunity to connect with the world and work for global citizenship.
As our journey continues taking on a new challenges, new solutions and new heights moving forward with our heads held high and our heads never to waiver or flatter. I wish and pray in the years to come that we should have peace in the world which will lead all of us to the path of perfection.
“True education should essentially influence our thoughts, our emotions and our actions” .
Mrs. Kusum Bhardwaj